The Athletics Centre is available to permit holders and casual users for training on Monday to Friday from 4 pm – 9 pm with the exception of public holidays and major events.
Athletics permits can be purchased as single entry, 6 or 12 month passes.
Permits can be purchased: 1. Through email by completing a training permit application(PDF, 322KB) form and emailing
2. Calling the Sports Park on 02 9839 6591 or visiting the office within the BEST building between 9 am - 4 pm.
Athletics Centre training map(JPG, 193KB)
Single entry
Adult permit
6 months
12 months
Junior permit (15 years and under)
Concession permit
Concession includes eligible pensioners (aged, disabled, carers, invalid, widow, spouse of aged person and spouse of disabled person).
The Athletics Centre hosts athletics carnivals for Blacktown City and the broader community. Athletics Centre hire at the Sports Park enables access to a range of facilities including:
Additional Facilities
Gate A, 81 Eastern Road, Rooty Hill 2766 View Map
Gate A, 81 Eastern Road , Rooty Hill 2766
The Athletics Kiosk offers a great range of sweets and snacks, fresh cut sandwiches, salads, burgers, hot dogs, and pies. Most items are priced between $4 and $10.