Lachlan Ridgewell

Lachlan Ridgewell

Lachlan Ridgewell is a Senior Team Leader here at the Blacktown International Sports Park Sydney.

Lachlan has been working at Blacktown International Sports Park Sydney since 2019. He started off as a groundsman before being promoted to Team Leader in July 2020. Lachlan is responsible for the day to day operation and maintenance of the Blacktown Football Park, which is home to Western Sydney Wanderers FC, Blacktown District Soccer Football Association and Blacktown Spartans FC.

Lachlan has over 16 years’ experience in the turf industry starting his apprenticeship at Chatswood Golf Club in 2004 and working his way up to Assistant Superintendent from 2009 – 2015. He left the industry to complete a 4 year apprenticeship in plumbing and then returned to the turf industry in 2019 at the Blacktown International Sports Park.


  • Certificate 3 in Turf management/Horticulture    
  • ASTMA (Australian Sports Turf Managers Association) Certified Sports Turf Manager
  • Certificate 3 in Plumbing